
China’s Oil Spill Threatens International Waters

The world's largest energy consuming country is plagued by potential ecological damage.

Great Lakes States Sue Federal Government Over Asian Carp Threat

The recent discovery of a live carp close to Lake Michigan may bolster the states’ case, legal expert says.

Water Scarcity Constrains Food, Energy Security in Vietnam

As the Southeast Asian country battles with climate change, it looks to use less hydropower.

Peter Gleick: ‘And During the Wet Years They Lost All Memory of the Dry Years.’

California has just suffered through three years of drought. Certainly not the first such drought and not the last.

Indigenous People from Ecuador to Louisiana Forge Alliances Against Global Oil Spills

Indigenous leaders from Amazon rainforests to Bayou swamplands.

California’s Central Valley to Get More Water

As the state recovers from a three-year drought and copes with a deteriorating water infrastructure, the nation's food supply just got a boost.

Monsoon Season, Water Shortages Worsen Health Conditions in Nepal

The Nepalese government plans to improve sanitation access to combat water-borne diseases.

Himalayan Outburst Lakes May Be Increasing GLOFs

More research needed to understand risk of glacial floods.

70 Percent of Himalayan Glaciers Gone by Next Century, Studies Say

Photographic and scientific evidence shows that the melting third pole is still devastating the region

The Hindu Kush-Himalayan Region

Images from the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region--including Bhutan, Nepal, China, Tibet and India

The Himalayas: A Special Report

Floods, droughts, wildfires, windstorms, water contamination and illnesses plague the 1.3 billion people who live in the watersheds directly supplied by glacial melt from the Hindu Kush-Himalaya region.

Flooding Inundates Southern China

Economic and human losses soar as heavy rainfall continues in Southern China.