
Climate Change, Population Growth Threaten to Dry Up Britain’s Rivers

As Britain's water supply faces fluctuation, an environmental group is calling for systemic reform and improved conservation.

UN Claims of Greater Access to Drinking Water Are ‘Baloney,’ Water Expert Says

Water quality is a serious problem that is not properly acknowledged, says top water expert and adviser Asit Biswas.

The Price of Water: A Comparison of Water Rates, Usage in 30 U.S. Cities

"For more than 20 years industry has been moving south looking for cheaper labor, I'm hoping that now they'll start coming back looking for cheaper water."

U.S. Urban Residents Cut Water Usage; Utilities are Forced to Raise Prices

In too many American cities to count, water consumers are dramatically reducing the amount they use only to be hit with higher water rates.

Eco-Explorer David de Rothschild Begins Trans-Pacific Journey on Catamaran of Plastic — the Plastiki

David de Rothschild's Plastiki voyage and vessel are designed to redefine global use, and reuse, of plastic.

British Company Creates Cheap, Small-Scale Desalination for Agriculture

The new system, which uses sub-surface pipes to remove salts and deliver water to plants on demand, grew 200 prosopis trees in the United Arab Emirates' desert during a test-run.

Milwaukee-area Community Seeks to Tap Lake Michigan for Drinking Water

While Waukesha's request is the first major test of the Great Lakes Compact, the county supervisor opposes the plan.

Watering a Lawn Could Lead to Water Pollution, EPA

Storm runoff can result in a variety of problems, and its causes are just as numerous, according to EPA.

Q&A: One Man’s Fight to Save the Aral Sea

As the Aral Sea gains global recognition as the most extreme kind of environmental disaster, Yusup Kamalov, chairman of the Union for the Defense of the Aral Sea and Amudarya, shares an expert's perspective.

Prospect of New Indian State Creates Water Allocation Concerns

The proposed Telangana state would require re-allocation of two of India’s largest rivers.

Broad Scope of EPA’s Fracturing Study Raises Ire of Gas Industry

An expensive federal study to be done on how hydrofracking may affect drinking water quality.

Standing in a Really Long Line: Toilet Queue Serves Indian Village Effort to Promote Sanitation Awareness

The Janadesar village in the arid Marwar Region of India teamed up with the Jal Bahagirathi Foundation on World Toilet Day