
Biofuels that Save Water and Land

Flushing For Fuel: Wastewater grows energy-rich plants and algae.

2009 California Water Plan Published

Report recommends upgrading the state's information base to better user understanding of the water system.

Drinking Water Access on Target for Millennium Development Goals, while Sanitation Falls Short, Report Says

World Health Organization and UNICEF has found that the world is on track to surpass the Millennium Development Goal for drinking water access, but will fall short by one billion people for sanitation if current trends continue.

Zafar Adeel: A Conversation With the New Chair of UN-Water

Circle of Blue reporter Brett Walton spoke with Zafar Adeel, the new chair of UN-Water.

Freshwater Delivery in the Wake of Natural Disasters

A sample of water technologies invented to store, ship and provide one of the most critical resources for crisis recovery.

World Water Day Panelists Urge New Mindset for Wastewater Treatment

Newly-released UNEP report details challenges, benefits of expanding wastewater treatment coverage.

Kenyan Prison Uses Constructed Wetland to Improve Sanitation

Low cost, low maintenance water treatment system in Kenyan prison proves better for small communities than traditional waste water treatment.

Photo Slideshow: Stunning Water Images from the European Space Agency

Images from space including the Ganges River in the Himalayas and the Fox Basin in the Canadian Arctic.

The Economics of Water Quality Need Greater Emphasis, UN Experts Say

Waste water treatment costs and ecosystem services are often not properly accounted for, say UN experts at World Water Day conference.
Hydro Resources, a well-drilling contractor, works around the clock to punch new holes in the Ogallala Aquifer in Kansas. The Ogallala, the primary water source in the Great Plains, is declining because billions of gallons are pumped out each year to irrigate corn, soybeans, wheat, and cotton.

EPA Launches National Study of Hydraulic Fracturing

Is the injection of chemicals and water underground contaminating the environment in pursuit of natural gas?

Supreme Court Takes Second Look at Michigan’s Asian Carp Injunction

Will they reconsider a motion filed by Michigan Attorney General Mike Cox to block Asian carp from the Great Lakes?