
Drought in the Mekong Basin Hampers Southeast Asia Economy

One of the worst droughts in Southeast Asia in decades has lowered water levels in the Mekong River, cutting people off from the source of their livelihood and hampering the regional economy

Peter Gleick: Water Scofflaws — Go Soak your Heads (Under a Low-flow Showerhead)

After years of inaction, blatant and willful violations of federal law, and lack of enforcement by previous administrations, the U.S. Department of Energy has just announced that they intend to pursue enforcement actions against the manufacturers of water-using appliances that violate national water and energy savings laws that have been on the books for nearly 20 years.

‘Superberg’ Detaches from Antarctic Glacier, Could Disrupt Ocean Currents

A giant iceberg collided with a branch of the Mertz Glacier in east Antarctica earlier this month, breaking off a 965-square-mile ‘superberg.’

Tehuacán Valley, Mexico Remains Resilient as Nation Faces Worst Water Crisis in Decades

Severe water scarcity is a daily reality for many in Mexico, particularly the people of Tehuacán Valley.
Alfonso Gonzalez is a cattle farmer who actively participates in conservation initiatives around Cuatro Ciénegas.  In one effort, a  pond on his property was restored to its original state, leading the area around it to regenerate humidity and lush flora and fauna.

Q&A: Raúl Garciadiego Helps Restore Access to Water in the Tehuacán Valley

The people who inhabit Tehuacán Valley in southeast Mexico humanize one of the greatest global crises.

Map and Statistics – Divining Destiny: Water Challenges in Mexico’s Tehuacán Valley

Tehuacán, meaning ‘Place of Stones’ in the native language of Nahuatl, is a centuries old city that lies in the Mexican state of Puebla, roughly 150 miles southeast of Mexico City.

Great Lakes Cleanup to Get $2.2 Billion in Federal Funding

The EPA plan aims to clean up top pollution sites and establish a “zero tolerance policy” toward invasive species

Coastal Fog Trend Could Harm Iconic Redwoods

New study finds that lower levels of fog could leave coast redwoods more susceptible to drought damage. Reduced amounts of fog cover during the summer could be troublesome for the coast redwoods.

Drought, Climate Change Jeopardize Global Hydropower Policies

Less precipitation + more extreme droughts = electricity shortages.

Congress Launches Investigation Into Gas Drilling Practices

Large natural gas companies pump hundreds of thousands of gallons of diesel-based fluids into the ground.

The Price of Hydropower Pursuits in Patagonia

In Chile’s Trackless Mountain Wilderness, A Clash Between Pristine Rivers and Hydropower Prospects

New Protected Status for Lake Chad Highlights World Wetlands Day

Countries across the globe celebrated World Wetlands Day on February 2 by designating national preserves and vowing to protect wetlands from climate change and maintain biodiversity.