
Chinese Farms Generate More Water Pollution than Factories

Study shows 2007 discharges were double previous estimates.

Obama Administration Pledges $78.5 Million to Fight Asian Carp; Great Lakes Governors Want More Than Cash

Following a Monday “carp summit” at the White House, Governor Jennifer Granholm said that she was “very disappointed”

Asian Carp Threat Prompts Protest Near Lake Michigan Shore

Fishing enthusiasts and state representatives rallied on the banks of Traverse City’s Boardman River Saturday

Major Nevada Pipeline Project in Limbo

Plans for a major freshwater pipeline for the Las Vegas Valley hit a legal roadblock. A ruling from Nevada's Supreme Court last week has threatened the fate of a massive pipeline project once hailed as critical to Las Vegas’ freshwater supply

Wisconsin City Makes Its Case for Diversion of Great Lakes Water

City officials in Waukesha, Wisconsin spelled out why they need Great Lakes water to replace their radium-contaminated city water wells Thursday, and why tapping into the world’s largest freshwater supply makes more sense than drilling more wells.

Reforms Could Lead to Huge Water Savings for California, Pacific Institute Says

Replacing inefficient appliances in homes and upgrading wasteful agricultural equipment could save one million acre feet of water in California, according to a Pacific Institute report released Monday. These reforms could also save the parched state six to eight million acre feet by 2020.

The Struggle for Indigenous and Freshwater Rights at Copenhagen and Beyond

For two weeks in Copenhagen last month climate negotiators debated carbon levels, emissions, and balancing the financial burden of saving the planet among developed and developing countries. Still, even as international leaders wrestled with the complex mix of geopolitics, science, economics, and diplomacy, another important ingredient in the climate crisis was barely mentioned: the effect of the warming planet on the Earth's freshwater.
Video: Following the Hidden Waters of Southwest China's Karst Region

Legal Battle Over Asian Carp in the Great Lakes Heats Up

The White House responds to calls for a Great Lakes summit to protect the lakes and their $7 billion sportfishing industry from the invasive species.

China May Relocate 300,000 from Three Gorges Region

Water pollution and river bank instability pose more serious problems than expected on the reservoir banks.
Video: Following the Hidden Waters of Southwest China's Karst Region

Peter Gleick: Where to find one million acre-feet of water for California.

Californians have improved their efficiency of water use over the past 25 years. The state's economy and population have grown. But total water use has not grown, and per person, each Californian uses far less today. This improvement in efficiency has saved the state's collective rear end. So far.

Putin Approves Waste Discharges into Lake Baikal

A decree signed last week by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will allow a paper mill on the shore of Lake Baikal to resume dumping sewage and waste water into the lake.
Video: Following the Hidden Waters of Southwest China's Karst Region

Video: Following the Hidden Waters of Southwest China’s Karst Region

A look at what is commonly considered the greatest Karst landscape on earth, and its secret waters that flow underneath.