
Solar Power Plants Drain Desert Waters

The push for renewable energy through low-carbon alternatives could further compromise water resources

Gas Execs Call for Disclosure of Chemicals Used in Hydraulic Fracturing

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublicaTwo prominent gas industry executives…

New York State Paves Way for Gas Drilling With Release of Environmental Review

By Abrahm Lustgarten, Joaquin Sapien, and Sabrina Shankman ProPublica…

Fresh Water Crisis Seen at Top of Clinton Global Initiative Priorities

Barack Obama speaks at the Clinton Global InitiativeFollowing Clinton's opening remarks Tuesday, Damon and co-founder and director Gary White stepped onto the main stage with their commitment to provide clean water to 50,000 people in Haiti over three years. It was the first of many moments when the fresh water crisis influenced the week's discussions.

Map: Oil Pipelines and Vegetation in the Niger Delta

Nigeria has been pumping vast amounts of oil since the 1950s. This map shows the oil fields, pipelines, and terminals in relation to the Niger Delta's main cities and its differing types of vegetation, from swamplands to rainforests.

War on Water: A Clash Over Oil, Power and Poverty in the Niger Delta

Thousands Search for Fresh Water, Food in a Monumentally Contaminated War Zone

Pennsylvania Orders Cabot Oil and Gas to Stop Fracturing in Troubled County

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublicaAfter three chemical spills in…

Peter Gleick: Crikey! Real Water Conservation and Efficiency in Australia

Regular readers of this blog know my feelings about the potential to improve the efficiency of our water use. Besides being cheaper and more environmentally beneficial than new supply options, efficiency improvements are easier to find.

Ed Kashi: Oil and Conflict in the Niger Delta

Circle of Blue reporter Aubrey Parker spoke with Ed Kashi. He is a photojournalist for National Geographic.

Environment to Round off GDP as Measure of Europe’s Success

european union recessionAt a time when Europe struggles to emerge from economic recession, the European Union vows to create indicators for its well-being that go beyond calculating the Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

Wildlife Elephants Fall Victims to Kenya’s Drought

More than 40 elephants have died in the past two months in the Laikipia, Isiolo and Samburu districts, as the severe drought challenges Kenyan wildlife’s capacity to feed itself.While a prolonged dry spell continues to plague Kenya, wildlife experts worry that the country’s 23,000 elephants might be in danger.

Dry Spell Drives Kenya to Famine

Dry Spell Drives Kenya to FamineKenya is looking for an exit from a prolonged drought that is challenging the country’s capacity to feed itself.