
Beijing Sets Water Example for Future Olympics, Report Says

beijing_01 China’s water policy for the Beijing Olympics was given a thumbs-up by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in a report released earlier this year.

Peter Gleick: Water for Energy, the Bad Bet for Biofuels

In the ongoing debate about rethinking America's energy future,…

White House Report: US to Face Floods, Droughts and Competition for Water

The White House issued last Tuesday an assessment of how global warming will unfold across the United States in the next century.

U.S. College Pioneers Unique Fresh Water Studies Degree

greatlakes On the shores of the Great Lakes, a U.S. college takes fresh water to the classroom.

Mekong River Dolphins Near ‘Brink of Extinction’

The river pollution could come from any of six Southeast Asian countries inhabiting 300 million people.

Mumbai Prays for Rain

mumbia Citizens in Mumbai, India, are battling both blazing heat and a water shortage, as the city taps deep into its reserves to meet its daily water requirements.

Argentine Glacier Outgrows Climate Change

Under the strong Patagonian sun, a glacier is glowing with health despite the effects of global warming.

Art for Water, ‘Water for Life’

cerrargaleria With color and imagination, Japanese art arrives in Spain to tickle Europe’s water fancy.

Peter Gleick: Zero or All? What’s Really Happening in the Central Valley?

centralvalley Here is a short post, with two Water Numbers, and a request for real information if readers have it.

‘A Drop, a Planet, a Message’: Water and Cirque du Soleil’s Poetry in Space

soyuz Guy Laliberte, soon to be the world’s seventh space tourist, will blast off into the great unknown on a poetic social mission about water.

Fire Hot, Sky Blue, Australia’s Dire Drought Tests Journalists

A Struggle to Tell a Story Everyone Seems to Know

Chinese Court Issues Verdicts Over Water Pollution

kunming Water polluters are on the docket of Chinese courts this week.