
Drought and Pollution Torment Turkey’s Lakes

Lake Tuz Amid a two-year-long drought, water bodies in western Turkey are also suffering from severe pollution

Q&A: Jennifer Turner on Water Challenges for Growing China

"China is a very energy hungry country, so it’s not surprising that they are damming the rivers."

Doubts Emerge as Europe Tests Common Waters

The European Union may soon boast a long-awaited common water…

World’s Largest Rivers Are Losing Water, New Study Says

One-third of the 925 rivers analyzed from 1948 to 2004 have showed “significant changes” in water levels.

Drought Strikes ‘Garden Of Eden’ Marshes In Iraq

Once described as the place of earthly paradise and source…

Climate Chaos Reveals Pattern: Africa’s Sahel Region Faces Recurrent Megadroughts

When in 1968 Garrett Hardin published in the Science journal…

New Report: Turbid Water Stirs Up Future of Insecurity for Asia

Asia faces unprecedented water challenges, experts say, but solutions are within reach.

The Smoke of Change: Indigenous Colombians Pray for Water Conservation

More than 40 years ago, Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez…

More Than Bugs & Bunnies: Evaporating Okeechobee a Matter of Life and Death

Tempers flare across Florida as dry conditions persist -- perfect…

A Longer, Dryer Lent: Mexico City Authorities Keep Taps Closed during Easter Holidays

While Pope Benedict XVI prepares to sprinkle holy water during…

Australians Watch Murray-Darling Water Levels Sink to Record Lows; Situation “Bleak,” Officials Say

May marks the season for rainmakers in Australia. As the month…

The Windy City Blows Off Toxins to the Ocean

Chicago is famous for dyeing its river green on St. Patrick’s…