
Video: Julian Cribb Predicts "Diabolical" Future for World's River Basins

Video: Julian Cribb Predicts “Diabolical” Future for World’s River Basins

Agricultural journalist Julian Cribb forecasts a perilous destiny for the world's river basins and food baskets, a destiny he attributes to climate change and unchecked agricultural demand for water.

The Biggest Dry: Photo Gallery

From any eye and all angles, the Murray-Darling River Basin conjures…

Here’s Something New in Australia: A Plan That Takes Water from Agriculture

At First Aghast, Victoria Grower Leads Campaign in Support of…
Video: Greg Ogle Illustrates Murray's Failing Circulatory System

Video: Greg Ogle Illustrates Murray’s Failing Circulatory System

Farmer turned conservationist, Greg Ogle explains how appearances can be deceiving.

Behind Curtain of Fire, A Land Disfigured By Man and Drought

Can a Century of Canal Digging, Channel Constructing, Man Made…

Down and Drought: Billions Needed to Rescue China’s Agriculture

China has not seen weather this dry in 50 years.

British Blouses Contaminate Uganda’s Groundwater, Cause Malaria

KAMPALA, Uganda -- Amidst a hungry hoard of giant Marabou storks,…

Cities Abolish Bottled Water in Canada

City conference tables in Canada, once neatly circumferenced…

Remember Zimbabwe? It’s Much Worse Now.

Friday was to mark the end of U.S. sanctions against Mugabe's…

The Power of Plastic: Research Reveals Hidden Costs of Bottled Water

As the second most highly purchased beverage in the nation, bottled…

Outsourcing Irrigation, Farming Discontent

World Economic Forum Report Warns Water Scarcity May Breed New…

Eco-Phone to Communicate Future of Sustainable Technology

BARCELONA -- The days of can-to-can communication are over. To…