
Drought: California’s Impending Economic Crisis

If money grew on trees, California would still be in trouble.…
Video: A World on the Verge of Water Bankruptcy

no reason: A World on the Verge of Water Bankruptcy

Reaching the Epiphany Moment, Video Makes Water Crisis Clear Can…

Dry Weather System May Wither Arizona’s Hopes for Wet Winter

A damp December promises to slake Arizona's thirst, but the incoming…

Water Management is a Money Issue, World Bank tells China

In a recently released report, the World Bank applauds China…

Quagga Mussels Choking Lake Michigan

A soon to be released report by NOAA scientist Tom Nelepa and others is quantifying this dramatic change in lake ecology

Water From Fog on Cape Verde

Morning fog rolls in over the island community of Serra Malagueta,…

Understanding Zimbabwe: An Interview with Professor Timothy Burke

In an interview with Circle of Blue, Swarthmore history professor…

The World’s Water: Hard Facts Point Toward the Soft Path

Experts say water crises can be averted with better management,…

Rain Garden Design Wins Grant for Downtown Noblesville

NOBLESVILLE, Ind. -- As part of an ongoing county-wide grant…

Thirsty Mauritanians Have Miles to Go before They Drink

BOURA, Mauritania -- In the face of desertification, the landscape…

Rocky Mountain Oil Range: Is Water for Shale?

The West harbors beneath its jagged peaks three times more…

The Case of California’s Missing Water

Brew a full pot of water through coffee beans and you should…