
The Stream, September 22: U.K. Shale Gas
More than a third of the European Union's agro-environmental…

From Coal Seam to Fracking, Unconventional Gas Industry Faces Opposition in Australia and South Africa
As an energy boom, propelled by natural gas, continues to gather steam, mining and drilling companies square off with landowners around the globe over who has the right to resources that are located deep below ground.

The Stream, August 16: Climate Refugees
The deltas of the the Mekong, Irrawaddy, Niger, Nile, Mississippi,…

The Stream, August 5: Food Aid for Africa
Support for farmers in Africa dried up long before Somalia's…

The Stream, June 10: Water and Food
Farmers around the world should brace for higher temperatures…

The Stream, June 1: Drought in China
Food prices for staple crops such as maize will more than double…

The Stream, May 27: The Global Food Market
The dire drought in central and southern China may hit the grain…

China’s Other Looming Choke Point: Food Production
The Yellow River Basin is the center of a contest over water, energy, and agriculture.

The Stream, May 18: Toxic Food
Cadmium in rice, melamine in milk, arsenic in soy sauce, bleach…

The Stream, March 22: World Water Day 2011
The New York Times compares the water markets and policies of…
Export Agriculture Drains Latin America’s Water Supplies
Peruvian asparagus and Costa Rican pineapples illustrate the threats global agribusiness poses to the environment.

Climate Extremes Will Strain UK Agriculture
New report shows that U.K. farming faces changing and more variable climate.