
Water Continues to Rise: Floods Rage in States along Missouri River
Towns from Montana to Iowa are bracing for flood waters as heavy rains fall across the region and warm temperatures melt record snowfall.

Rains Bring Relief For Six-Month China Drought, But Chronic Water Problems Loom
Although now satiated, the dry spell is the latest in a growing trend of severe water shortages threatening China's food production, energy generation, and accelerating modernization.

Waiting on High Waters — Louisiana Prepares for the Mississippi Flood (Updated 5/16)
Emergency spillways will be used to shepherd the river to the sea.

The Stream, May 16: Droughts and Floods
A dire drought is forcing France to set severe restrictions on…

Deadly La Niña Goes Global—Part I: For Western Hemisphere, Record Rains in Latin America
Hundreds have died in Colombian floods, as cooler sea temperatures affect regions around the Pacific; climate change seen as a possible cause.

Climate Extremes Will Strain UK Agriculture
New report shows that U.K. farming faces changing and more variable climate.
Flooding Kills Hundreds in Pakistan
Heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan have caused rivers to overflow—triggering landslides, destroying villages and blocking rescue efforts.
Flooding Inundates Southern China
Economic and human losses soar as heavy rainfall continues in Southern China.
Glacial Melt Could Cause Tidal Wave in Pakistan
A tidal wave, reaching up to 60 meters high, is expected to race through the Hunza valley of the Himalayas.
Analysis: Obama Takes Copenhagen Stage While Palin Sits on Thinning Ice
Steve Solomon, author of the forthcoming WATER: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization, pens a guest editorial for Circle of Blue that examines water's integral role as a planetary climate regulator.
Melting Glaciers Cause Potential Flooding Problems
Emerald lakes are beautiful, but rapidly melting glaciers can cause them to inundate villages downstream.

Ethiopia Dam Erodes Local Relations
The air in Ethiopia may catch fire, as plans for a new hydroelectric…