Dealing With The Soup of Chemicals That Can Get Into Your Drinking Water
All the things that go down the drain and end up at the waste water treatment plant are not removed there. It's a soup of chemicals.
Constant, Compounding Disasters Are Exhausting Emergency Response
Fires, droughts, floods, power outages. The interval between disasters is shortening, or in some cases disappearing altogether.
Detroit Flooding Previews Risks from a Warming Climate
Urban infrastructure in many cities was not built for current and future climate pressures.
As a Hot, Dry Summer Begins in California, More Water Wells Are Failing
Government agencies and nonprofit groups are preparing for difficult months ahead.
Feds Release First Slice of Water Bill Assistance Funds
The Department of Health and Human Services released $166.6 million in federal funds for the new, Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP).
Michigan’s Climate-Ready Future: Wetland Parks, Less Cement, Roomy Shores
As climate change alters our world, Michigan’s bounty of fresh water could be the foundation of a thriving state economy and superior quality of life.
Amid Dire Colorado River Outlook, States Plan to Tap Their Lake Mead Savings Accounts
Arizona and California intend to draw on water they banked in the big reservoir, even as water levels drop.
Congress’s Stealth Water Infrastructure Deal
The American Rescue Plan Act allocated $350 billion to states, tribes, and local governments. Some of that money is available for upgrading water systems.