
In Alaska, Climate Research Struggles to Incorporate Indigenous Knowledge

Tribal communities are often the first affected by climate change. But their expertise and lived experiences are underappreciated

Innovative Partnerships and Exchanges are Securing the Gila River Indian Community’s Water Future

The Gila River Indian Community is restoring its “lifeblood” back through innovative partnerships and water exchanges.

Great Lakes Water Diversions Could Be More Numerous

Should Michiganders be worried?

On Eve of Line 5 Shutdown Deadline, Enbridge Vows to Defy Michigan Order

What happens if Enbridge refuses to abide by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s order?

Cheese in the Desert: Why Mega-Dairies are Piping Water onto Oregon’s Shrub-Steppe

An environmental coalition is lobbying for a moratorium on mega-dairies, which have proliferated in a water-challenged area of northeastern Oregon

Some Rural California Residents Doubt They’ll Ever Get Clean Water

Some rural California communities have waited nearly a decade for state regulators to repair their tainted drinking-water systems.

Toxic Cyanobacteria Choke Water Systems Around California’s Clear Lake

Toxic blooms are a public health risk and increase water treatment costs.

Chemical Impact: Microplastic Pollution More Complex Than We Think, Says New Research

Microplastic pollution has been building up in the Great Lakes for at least four decades