Michigan’s Rural Water Systems Confront Generations of Inadequate Investment
A critical juncture is reached for providing water to Michigan's rural communities.
America’s Drinking Water Is Surprisingly Easy to Poison
Experts say the sorts of rudimentary vulnerabilities revealed in the hacking of a water treatment plant in Oldsmar, Florida are common among America’s 151,000 public water systems.
Wetlands Can Help Prevent Property Damage and Save Lives During Floods
Some experts say there’s a way to reduce the effects of floods in the future: more wetland areas.
Treaty Rights Acknowledged For First Time in Oil Pipeline’s Controversial History
Michigan’s Indigenous communities hold long-standing legal rights to protect lands and waters.
More Work Needed to Meet Global Water Goal, UN Report Says
National governments are not on track to meet ambitious, globally recognized goals to provide universal access to safe drinking water and sanitation by 2030.
Too Few Farmers are Curbing Pollution in Lake Erie. Should They be Forced?
As climate change complicates Lake Erie’s algae problem, scientists say farmers must do far more to reduce phosphorus runoff. But will enough farmers change their ways without a government mandate?
The Story of Water in Texas
The story of water in Texas is the state’s devout allegiance to the principle that mankind has dominion over nature.
The Biggest Coal Power Plant in the American West Closed. What Happens with the Colorado River Water It Used?
Navajo Generating Station shut down in 2019 and is now being dismantled. The Colorado River water that cooled the plant is part of a broader legal impasse.
Rights vs. Regulations: When it Comes to Septic Codes, Property Rights Remain a Big Barrier
A significant number of residential septic systems need repair or replacement, but efforts to enact a statewide code have been hampered.
Congress on Track to Approve Millions More in Federal Funding for Water Debt Relief
First-ever federal program for household water-bill assistance could see another $500 million.
Michigan Rivers Changing Due to Climate Disruption
Severe storms can lead to intensive flooding, soil erosion and disruption to fish populations. Timing is everything in nature.