Water Could Make Michigan a Climate Refuge. Are We Prepared?
What may it take to prepare the Great Lakes region for the future climatologists say we can expect?
High Demand for New Michigan Water Infrastructure Grants
A new grant program in Michigan to rid drinking water systems of contaminants is proving to be quite popular.
EPA Nominee Regan Touts Collaboration during Senate Confirmation Hearing
North Carolina’s top environmental regulator would seek “common ground” if confirmed in the federal role.
U.S. Civil Rights Commission Advisers File Report on Water Inequity in Massachusetts
A new report approaches water access and affordability as civil rights issues.
Speaking of Water: China’s Water Challenges in 2021
Both at home and abroad, water will play a significant role in China's policy decisions in 2021.
‘Mass Aging’ of Dams a Global Safety and Financial Risk, UN Report Says
A global dam-building binge that spanned the early- to mid-20th century is now reaching a turning point, according to a report published by the United Nations.
At Dawn of Biden Administration, Opportunities for Water Systems
President Biden put forward a $2 trillion climate plan that mentions a bucketful of spending options to shore up America’s built and natural infrastructure.
California Households Owe $1 Billion in Water-Bill Debt
In California, a statewide survey indicates that low-income households and communities of color are most affected by overdue water bills.
Flint Residents Unimpressed by Snyder Charges Linked to Lead Poisoning
By Kelly House, Bridge Michigan
Bridge reporter…
Four International Water Stories to Watch in 2021
What are the large water events to pay attention to in 2021? What are the trends and flashpoints?
In Trump Administration’s Final-Days Deregulatory Push, Army Corps Reduces Stream Protections
The Army Corps of Engineers finalized a rule on January 4 that further retracts federal protections for the nation’s smallest streams.