
Remarkable Drop in Colorado River Water Use a Sign of Climate Adaptation

Use of Colorado River water in the three states of the river’s lower basin fell to a 33-year low in 2019.

Uganda wants people to leave flooded wetlands – and not come back

Authorities have been trying to clear the wetlands around Africa’s biggest lake for years. This year’s flooding may have helped their case.

Feds Propose River Temperature Limits to Protect Salmon in Pacific Northwest

EPA seeks to keep Columbia and Lower Snake rivers from cooking…

World’s Refugee Camps At Risk for Major COVID-19 Outbreak

Health experts and humanitarian organizations fear that an outbreak of Covid-19 inside the world’s refugee camps could threaten global containment efforts.

Enthusiasm But Obstacles in Using Sewage to Monitor Coronavirus

Health departments and researchers in hundreds of cities worldwide are turning to sewage to better understand the spread of the new coronavirus in their communities.

Perspective | Do Two Failed Dams Foretell a Dire Future?

It is possible that more dams will fail. Upmanu Lall and…

Utilities in Developing Countries, in Financial Tailspin, Try to Keep Water Flowing During Pandemic and Beyond

Water utilities are experiencing a ‘double hit’ in their finances that could hinder operations into the future.

Country’s Aging Dams, a ‘Sitting Duck,’ Facing a Barrage of Hazards

Repairing all the country’s deficient dams could cost $70 billion. Having them fail would come with a far greater price, experts say.

As Pandemic Magnifies Navajo Nation Water Deficit, Coronavirus Funding Questions Arise

Navajo Nation president and residents want to use federal Covid-19 funds on water infrastructure. Is that allowed?

CDC, EPA Change Building Reopening Guidance After Acknowledging Error

Agencies admit incorrect guidance in documents intended to protect people from a deadly waterborne disease.

‘Deadly’ Consequences If Stagnant Water in Shuttered Buildings Is Not Properly Addressed

The extensive closure of offices, hotels, restaurants and other commercial buildings in response to the coronavirus pandemic is a potential health hazard once those structures are reopened to the public.

House Democrats Add Water Provisions to Next Coronavirus Bill Proposal

Democrats seek water shutoff protections and aid to low-income customers as part of $3 trillion package. Republicans quickly dismissed the bill.