
Water Shortage Leaves Poorer Mexicans High and Dry in Coronavirus Fight

Water scarcity complicates attempts to sanitize the area amid the spread of the coronavirus disease.

Water Utilities Want a Bailout. Will Congress Listen?

Water and wastewater utilities and their customers were ignored in Congress’s three coronavirus relief bills.

Perspective: How Does the Coronavirus Crisis Compare to the Global Groundwater Crisis?

Global efforts on the scale of those to curb the devastation of SARS-CoV-2 are few and far between. These months could provide a template for reducing future environmental damage.

Flood Study, With Fresh Approach, Measures Downside of Pavement

Using statistical methods borrowed from economics, a new study estimates the effect of hard surfaces on high waters.

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Trump Bid to Limit Water Pollution Law

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday rejected arguments seeking to limit the reach of a landmark water pollution law in a Hawaii dispute over wastewater indirectly discharged into the Pacific Ocean.

In Pandemic, New Thinking on Responding to Weather Disasters

The challenges of disaster response are being magnified by the global pandemic. Disaster experts said that emergency managers and governments will be severely tested this year.

Molybdenum Ore Spill Is China’s Biggest Tailings Leak in Nearly 20 Years

A spillage of waste molybdenum ore in northeast China last month was the biggest tailings leak the country witnessed in almost 20 years and needed the toughest environmental emergency response, the environment ministry said on Monday.

Protective Gear in Low Supply for U.S. Water Utilities

Within the next two weeks, many U.S. water utilities will run out of protective gear that helps their workers reduce the spread of the new coronavirus.

Nearly 8 Million Lives Spared Worldwide By Social Distancing

New analysis documents how confinement measures also relieve stress on hospitals.

Chinese dams held back Mekong waters during drought, study finds

A study says water levels measured downstream from China along the Thai-Lao border were at times up to 3 metres lower than they should have been.

Water Contamination Risks Lurk in Plumbing of Idled Buildings

Stagnant water is a breeding ground for bacteria. Before reopening shuttered buildings, the internal water systems need to be investigated, plumbing experts say.

Water Shutoffs Are Suspended, But the Bills Will Still Be Due

Many utilities will not disconnect water during the coronavirus emergency. But residents are still required to pay their bills when it’s over.