‘The Need Is Significant’: Fast-Growing Michigan County Confronts Groundwater Challenges
Ottawa County, Michigan, attempts to balance population growth and groundwater sustainability.
North Carolina Panel Approves Bailout for Indebted Sewer System
Cliffside Sanitary District, which serves around 75 customers, is under state control because of financial hardship.

Who Pays? PFAS Lawsuits, Legislation Raise Question of Pollution Liability
Wastewater utilities, whose facilities are a conduit for chemical pollution, object to Democratic proposals in Congress that could hold them liable for the cost of PFAS removal.

Speaking of Water – Featuring Australian Author And Science Communicator, Julian Cribb
Staggering bushfires have raged across the Australian landscape, ravaging both life and livelihoods.

As Iowa Caucuses Approach, Where Do Democratic Candidates Stand on Water?
Water issues are gaining new prominence in the Democratic presidential race as candidates react to rising public concerns about water issues.

Rain Alleviates Bushfires in Australia, but Threatens Waterways
Pollution concerns rise following recent rains.

U.S. Food Trade Increasingly Leans On Unsustainable Groundwater
It takes water to grow crops, and an increasing portion of the US’s irrigation water is unsustainably mined from groundwater sources.

U.S. Water Data, Refreshed Daily
New U.S. Geological Survey tool displays where water is – and isn’t – in the Lower 48 states.

Water Crises Again Ranked a Top Global Risk in World Economic Forum Report
For the first time in the history of the Global Risks Report, respondents ranked environmental factors as the top five risks that are most likely to occur.

After Plumbing Code Setback, Georgia Health Officials Refocus Legionella Prevention Effort
New working group mulls regulatory options for dealing with America’s…

Opinion: Australia, Your Country Is Burning – Dangerous Climate Change Is Here With You Now
The continent of Australia is figuratively – and in some sense literally – on fire.
Dams, Sand Mining Threaten to Wreck Mekong Delta
More than sea-level rise, unsustainable development on the Mekong Delta is the biggest risk to the delta’s economy and ecology.