
Pesticides, Antibiotics, Heavy Metals Tarnish Europe’s Waterways

New chemicals and medicines are being developed, then leaching into waterways, faster than researchers can study them.

With Heavy Spring Rains, Lake Erie Algal Bloom Forecast Gets Worse and Worse

The latest Lake Erie forecast projects a large buildup of harmful cyanobacteria, or blue-green algae, this summer.

Michigan leads nation in PFAS. It will lead cleanups, too, U.S. reps say

A report this month found Michigan leads the nation in sites contaminated with toxic chemicals known as PFAS, and the state’s bipartisan delegation in Congress has introduced a flurry of legislation to increase testing.

As rains fall short, Manila trickles into a water crisis

As drought grips the Philippines, Manila is becoming the latest big city to struggle to access enough water.

In Mississippi River Flood Fight, Army Corps Prepares to Open Rarely Used Spillway

The Morganza spillway will redirect some of the river’s surging waters to protect Louisiana’s big cities and its levee system.

EPA Considers Options for Reuse and Discharge of Oil and Gas Wastewater

U.S. oil and gas companies are setting production records, while also pumping up enormous volumes of salty, chemical-laden water. The question now: What to do with the noxious water?

‘It’s Raining Plastic’: Researchers Find Microscopic Fibers in Colorado Rain Samples

“We’re seeing plastics virtually everywhere we look,” U.S. Geological Survey researcher says.

‘Alarming’ Increase in U.S. Hepatitis A Cases, CDC Reports

The resurgence of the viral liver disease hepatitis A is linked to drug use and homelessness.