Nitrate Pollution Rising In Private Wells in Iowa
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Report highlights lack of water quality data for household wells.
New Zealand Waterways Fouled by Farm Runoff, Tourist Waste
Pesticides, trash, and heavy metals litter New Zealand’s waterways.
Paradise Officials Unveil $53 Million Plan to Rid Damaged Water Pipes of Contaminants
Two years and $53 million is the estimated timeline and cost to overcome the extensive contamination of the water system in Paradise.
Mining Giant Behind Deadly Dam Collapse Took Lax Approach to Corporate Responsibility
Vale SA, the mining entity responsible for the deadly dam collapse in Brazil, took a lax approach towards corporate responsibility.
U.S. Irrigation Continues Steady Eastward Expansion
Irrigated farmland in the United States climbed to a record-high 58 million acres in 2017, according to new federal government data.
In Bid for Cleaner Water, California Seeks Arranged Utility Marriages
Uniting small, failing utilities with larger neighbors can fix water problems.
Despite Billions in Losses and Clear Financial Dangers, Companies Slow to Respond to Water Risks
More businesses track water use, but fewer take the next step of setting targets.
The Water ‘Accessibility Trap’: Q&A with Alexandra Campbell-Ferrari and Luke Wilson
Authors of a report on local drinking water laws discuss the lack of water shutoff data and the fees that make it harder for struggling households to stay afloat.
In Maryland, Vulnerability to Water Shutoffs Depends on Your Address
New report highlights how local laws can trap households in a cycle of fees that influence water affordability, shutoffs, and timely bill payment.
Reporter Wins Award for His Work on Choke Point: Tamil Nadu
Sibi Arasu honored for his reporting on the environment, including two articles from the Choke Point: Tamil Nadu series.
Whitmer orders Michigan to set PFAS standards, setting up clash with GOP
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has kickstarted efforts to set a statewide standard for PFAS, hazardous chemicals that are increasingly befouling Michigan waters.