
In Maryland, Vulnerability to Water Shutoffs Depends on Your Address

New report highlights how local laws can trap households in a cycle of fees that influence water affordability, shutoffs, and timely bill payment.
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Reporter Wins Award for His Work on Choke Point: Tamil Nadu

Sibi Arasu honored for his reporting on the environment, including two articles from the Choke Point: Tamil Nadu series.

Whitmer orders Michigan to set PFAS standards, setting up clash with GOP

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has kickstarted efforts to set a statewide standard for PFAS, hazardous chemicals that are increasingly befouling Michigan waters.

In war, dirty water more dangerous to children than violence, says UNICEF

Most vulnerable are young children under age 5, who are 20 times more likely to die from diseases than violence.

New Mexico Oil Production Is Soaring. Now What To Do With The Wastewater?

State lawmakers pass bill to facilitate reusing salty water from the oil fields.

Historic Missouri River Flood Damages Water Infrastructure

Sewage spills, pollution risks, and reduced capacity at drinking water plants.

Is U.S. Groundwater Quality Getting Better or Worse? It’s Hard to Say

Too little data so far for main national monitoring network.

Severe Drinking Water Contamination Surfaces After Brutal Camp Fire

California town’s water pipes fouled by benzene and other toxic compounds.

With Alternate Water Sources, Some Paradise Businesses Reopen

County health department requires trucked-in water for restaurants.

Scenes From Paradise, Four Months After the Camp Fire

The Camp Fire was the most destructive in California's history. Recovery will take years.

‘It Will Probably Resemble a Military Operation’: Q&A with Andrew Whelton on Recovery of Paradise Water System

Andrew Whelton leads a Purdue University research team that is advising the town’s water utility.