What’s Up With Water – December 3, 2018
Your weekly "need to know" news of the world's water from Circle of Blue.
Michigan Local Health Authorities Wary of Septic Bill Mandates Without Funding
Health departments do not currently have staff to carry out the bill’s orders, local officials say.
Comprehensive Government Climate Report Warns That Warming Planet Threatens U.S. Water Security
The National Climate Assessment is meant to inform U.S. leaders about changes to land, water, and air from a warming planet.
EPA Watchdog Flags Unregulated Pollutants in Treated Sewage Sludge
An undermanned EPA is potentially failing to protect human health and the environment from hundreds of pollutants in treated sewage sludge
Counting Homes Cut Off From Water Is A Data Collection Nightmare
California utilities revolt against state attempt for more water shutoff information.
A Water-Sensitive Approach for Cities to Tackle the Global Sanitation Crisis
Opinion Piece
Benedito Braga, President, World Water Council
CDC Releases Latest U.S. Legionnaires’ Disease Data
Legionnaires’ disease, a pneumonia-like illness, is the deadliest waterborne disease in the United States, killing about one in eleven people it sickens.
PFAS: What You Need To Know
Chemical contaminants called PFAS, toxic to humans at minuscule doses, are the tip of the spear for threats to groundwater in Michigan and nationally.
Michigan waited years to heed warnings on PFAS dangers, expert says
By Jim Malewitz, Bridge Magazine
2018 Election: Voters Reject Stricter Rules for Oil, Gas, and Mining
Water protections and spending were at stake in state and local ballot initiatives.
After Hurricanes, Pollution Hazards for Private Water Wells in the Southeast
Floodwaters from Florence and Michael introduce bacteria and contaminants into wells.
Tough Water Decisions in 2018 Election Initiatives
Voters will decide on infrastructure spending, oil and gas development, and salmon habitat protection.