What’s Up with Water – Speaking of Water – Who Trusts the Tap (Bonus Episode)
Do I trust my tap water? It turns out that the answer is very different for different groups of people.
America’s Oil Boom Can Not Happen Without Groundwater
Risks are substantial in New Mexico’s Permian Basin.
Water Scarcity Looms in London’s Future
The city's water demand is expected to exceed supply within the next decade.
Perfluorinated Chemicals Health Study Included in Congress Budget Deal
CDC will assess exposure to the chemical at U.S. military bases.
Egypt’s Nile River Pressured by Population Growth, Rising Sea Level
Threats to the Nile and explosive population growth are pushing Egypt toward severe water scarcity.
Water-Stressed Beijing Exhausts Its Options
After depleting groundwater reserves, China's capital is becoming increasingly reliant on water pumped from the country's flood-prone South.
São Paulo Heading To Another Dry Spell
Three years after the megacity nearly ran out of water, signs of a new crisis emerge.
Kansas Farmers Cut Ogallala Water Use – And Still Make Money
Groundwater conservation helped the imperiled aquifer and did not hurt the bottom line, farmers find.
Straight Pipes Foul Kentucky’s Long Quest to Clean Its Soiled Waters
A two-decade mission to reduce sewage pollution still has a lot of work to finish.
Booming Infrastructure Poisons Bangalore’s Lakes, Depletes Groundwater
Bangalore’s largest lake is so contaminated that it routinely…
International Conference Discusses Remedies to Lake Chad Crisis
Ambitious engineering project on the agenda.
By Brett…
Jakarta, the World’s Fastest-Sinking City, Also Faces Rising Sea Levels and River Pollution
Certain parts of the city have sunk 14 feet in recent decades, largely due to illegal well-digging.