U.S. Government Releases First Global Water Strategy
Report identifies water priorities in foreign policy.
Risks Grow for Deadliest U.S. Drinking Water Hazard
Reported cases of Legionnaires’ disease are surging upwards.
U.S. Household Water Use Continues to Decline
Federal report tracks conservation pattern that began two decades ago.
Replenishing the World’s Watersheds – An Interview with Sandra Postel | PODCAST |
Sandra Postel on her hopeful vision of water's future.
New Jersey Sets First Binding State Limits for Perfluorinated Chemicals in Drinking Water
Regulators adopt strictest standards in the nation.
Philadelphia Water Rate Experiment Aims to Help Struggling Residents Pay Their Bills
Many applications, and some pain, so far for country’s first income-based water rate.
NASA Ends Trailblazing Satellite Mission that Revealed Global Groundwater Trends
Due to old age and battery failure, NASA terminates the GRACE…
Cape Town Rations Water Before Reservoirs Hit Zero
No end to water crisis in South Africa’s second largest city.
California Hepatitis Outbreak Has Killed 19 People
State health emergency declared in response to largest U.S. hepatitis A outbreak in more than two decades.
EPA Cleanup Plan for Houston Superfund Site Opposed by Industry
The San Jacinto waste pits were flooded during Hurricane Harvey.…
California Mobile Home Park Residents Face Barriers to Clean Water
Study finds more frequent service cuts and dirtier water in trailer…
Puerto Ricans Still Desperate for Water Weeks after Hurricane Maria
Half of the island's residents have no access to clean drinking…