
2017-01 India Tamil Nadu DMalhotra_C4A5709-2500 (1)

Water Scarcity Causes Cauvery Delta Anguish

Worst drought in 140 years leads to farmer deaths, water riots, policy impasse.

HotSpots H2O, April 18: Water and Sanitation Crises Jeopardize Health of Damascus Citizens

The Global Rundown Water shortages and sewage system failures…

Nonstick Chemicals Slipped Into Water, Causing Health, Environmental, Regulatory Mess

PFASs -- used in clothing, carpets, cookware, and more -- contaminate wells across the United States.

Water and Climate Safety, Finance Security, Drive Keystone XL Conflict

Nebraska is again a battleground over tar sands oil pipeline. By…
_C4A5854 - India 2017

Chased by Drought, Rising Costs, and Clean Technology, India Pivots on Coal-Fired Power

World’s third-largest coal user joins China and U.S. in shift from black fuel.

HotSpots H2O, April 11: South Sudanese Refugees Flee to Uganda

The Global Rundown Uganda struggles to provide food, water,…

Gina Lopez, Philippine Environment Secretary, Pursues Watershed Protection

Clear goals to enforce pollution laws jeopardize the new secretary’s job.

Water Utility Cyberattack Rings Up Hefty Data Charges

Money is often the root of cyberattacks on water utilities, experts…

HotSpots H2O, April 4: Conflict and Drought Leave 27 Million Without Clean Water

Conflict and drought have left 27 million people in Nigeria, Somalia, South Sudan, and Yemen without safe drinking water.

Drought, Heat, and Conflict Strand Residents of Dadaab

World’s largest refugee camp illustrates human costs of water-scarce…

Ecuador Touts Flood Prevention Measures Amid Record Rains

President credits planning and infrastructure investment for mitigating damage.