IUCN World Congress Signals New Direction For Conservation
Urgency of climate change and environmental degradation requires novel mindset to protect water, forests, and oceans.
Great Lakes Region Pivots From Fossil Fuels
In shift from coal and oil, water use and quality hang in the balance.
U.S., Mexican Scientists Collaborate on Border Aquifer Research
First-ever assessment program confirms boundaries of two shared…
Groundwater Shared by Countries Is Knowledge Void
Management of transboundary aquifers is on the United Nations…
Gina Lopez, a “Crusader,” Sets Philippines Water, Mining Safety on Unexpected New Course
New environment secretary vows to enforce rule of law.
Map: U.S. Coal-Fired Power Plants Ranked By Water Pollution
Report identifies worst offenders by discharges of arsenic, lead, and mercury.
The Stream: Special Rio Edition
Super bacteria, green pools, and even a murder mystery splashed across headlines about water conditions in the Olympic host city.
Conservation Prevents Colorado River Shortage Declaration
Lake Mead forecast to remain above shortage trigger in 2017.
U.S. Hydropower Grows By Going Small
Hydropower expansion relies on improving existing dams.
Foul Water Conditions Found All Over the World
Rio waters are just most visible example of the planet’s polluted bays and rivers.
For Brazil, Rio Sewage is One of Many Water Challenges
Hydropower development, agricultural expansion, mining, and drought put growing pressure on Olympic host.
India and Pakistan Water Tensions Escalate to The Hague
Hydropower projects spark discord in the Indus River Basin, but water management challenges go deeper.