
Congress Weighs Help To Pay Escalating Household Water Bills
Midwest lawmakers propose new direction for water affordability.

Lake Mead Record Low Reflects Changing American West
In drier conditions, the desire to use more water confronts the…

Understanding Water Risks Drives Global Investors
Finance managers develop tools to avoid losses.

Lake Mead Drops But Hoover Dam Powers On
New investments expand the dam’s generating range.

Texas Water Board Approves $US 62 Billion Water Plan
Plan guides state response to drought.
By Brett Walton,…

Waukesha Another Step Closer To Great Lakes Water
A regional committee found that the city meets the requirements for an out-of-basin diversion, with conditions.

Infographic: Average U.S. Household Water Use and Bills, 2015-16
1 Comment
High prices do not necessarily mean high bills.

America’s Water Infrastructure Requires New Mindset
Trust, cooperate, and innovate for safe water and thriving communities.
California Groundwater Regulation Hangs on a Few Words
As a key deadline approaches, a debate over word choice.
President Obama’s Flint Visit is Critique of “Culture of Neglect” That Damages Nation’s Water
Escalating risks drive water quality and supply to top of public…
Australia Plans to Eliminate Invasive Carp From Murray-Darling River Basin
Using a virus as a weapon, authorities hope to open way for native fish.