
Chicago Suburbs, Running Out of Water, Will Tap Lake Michigan

America’s groundwater is now running dry where water is abundant.

Science Says What? Lessons learned from a deliberate dilbit spill

Science Says What? is a monthly column written by Great Lakes…

Offering Up Advice For Farmers, Universities Add To US Water Pollution

Formal fertilizer recommendations encourage producers to pour on more.

‘Water Is Us’: New Book Offers Blueprint for Sustainable Water Future

The Three Ages of Water looks back at history to write a prescription for tomorrow.

The Water Transition: A Conversation with Author Peter Gleick

Discussing the past and future of water.

Benton Harbor: Safe Water Is Still a Luxury

Lead pipes replaced but residents struggle with high water bills By…

Illinois is Losing Water

Leaky pipes must be replaced. But where to get the money? By…
The European frog-bit looks like a little lily pad and lives in shallow waters. Image: Shelby Bauer, Huron Pines

Control for Frog-bit and Water Soldiers

New strategy for limiting the spread of exotic water plants…

Streams of Migration – Special Frontline Report

As droughts wither crops and water insecurity disrupts political…

Minnesota Tribe Sets Enforceable Rules To Safeguard Wild Rice and Water Supply

Ineffective voluntary pollution prevention practices are set aside for mandatory regulation.

Michigan Tribes Fight Long Odds to Restore Wild Rice, Their History

Michigan’s wild rice has dwindled due to dams, wetlands loss, industry and climate change