The Stream, March 1: Pakistan Takes Action on Climate Change
Pakistan has developed its first national policy framework…
The Stream, February 8: In Texas, Recycling Wastewater for Drinking
Water Supply
Wichita Falls, Texas is moving forward with plans…
The Stream, December 19: Climate Change and Everest at a Gigapixel
Barge traffic on a stretch of the Rhine River has come to a halt…
The Stream, December 12: Improving Agricultural Infrastructure
Upgrades to the world's agricultural export infrastructure, such…
The Stream, September 7: Pesticides Exact Big Toll on Health and Environment
Heavy downpours triggered floods and caused roofs to collapse…
The Stream, August 15: Difficulty of Cleaning Urban Waterways
The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is starting…
The Stream, April 5: What Is Causing the Water Crisis in Ghana and Nigeria?
Policy & Accountability
Pollution, political unrest and corruption…
The Stream, March 26: Tighter Rules for Coal Seam Gas in Australia?
South Australia has become the third Australian state to agree…
EIA Report: Global Energy Use To Grow 50 Percent by 2035 — Half of Increase from Fossil Fuels in China and India
The U.S. Energy Information Administration recently published its annual report on global energy projections. Though renewable energy sources and nuclear power, along with unconventional fossil fuels, will phase out coal production over the next two decades, it will not be at the pace necessary to offset greenhouse gas emissions
The Stream, September 2: U.S. Insurers Slow to Recognize Climate Change Threat
Only 11 out of 88 major U.S. insurers surveyed recently have…
The Stream, August 30: Assessing U.S. Hurricane and Drought Damage
Hurricane Irene killed at least 28 people, caused an estimated…
The Stream, July 26: Astronomers Find the Biggest Mass of Water in the Universe
Astronomers have discovered the largest and oldest reservoir…