Michigan Tribes Fight Long Odds to Restore Wild Rice, Their History
Michigan’s wild rice has dwindled due to dams, wetlands loss, industry and climate change
Bubbles and Electricity Designed to Deter Invasive Carp From Lake Michigan
Des Plaines River is a site of new impediments to voracious species
Ongoing Battle to Keep Toxic Chemicals at Bay
Outdated federal water laws and chemicals that were approved for industry without assessing for risk leave Ann Arbor and other communities struggling to ward off water contaminants before they foul drinking supplies.
New U.S. Climate Law Will Make Water Contamination Worse
Billions in clean energy incentives rely on raw materials from polluting corn and livestock.
Two Generations and $70 Million Later, Muskegon Lake Is Restored
Cleared of pollution and debris, Muskegon again sees lake as…
EPA Warns of Health Problems When PFAS Levels in Drinking Water Are Inconceivably Tiny
Revised health advisories are a precursor to federal regulation.
Michigan’s 20th Century Water Systems Too Big For Its Shrinking City Populations
Cities around the Great Lakes region struggle with the cost of water maintenance and operation as their populations decline.
Many Rural Towns Have Neglected Drinking Water Systems for Decades
As some rural towns lose population and government funds shrink, some drinking water systems are one failure away from crisis.
After Decades of Neglect, Bill Coming Due for Michigan’s Water Infrastructure
Federal and state governments begin to reverse course on underinvestment to address water’s true cost.
Inflation Weighs On U.S. Water Utilities
Water leaders worry that rising prices -- for everything from lead pipe replacements to treatment plant repairs -- will cause a historic federal infrastructure investment to fall short of lofty expectations.