
Chemical Impact: Microplastic Pollution More Complex Than We Think, Says New Research

Microplastic pollution has been building up in the Great Lakes for at least four decades

Flooding Tells ‘Two Different Stories’ In Michigan

Climate disruption is revealing economic inequality

In Flooded Michigan Neighborhoods, Who Should Pay For Sea Walls?

Who should pay to stop the floodwaters?

Michigan’s Rural Water Systems Confront Generations of Inadequate Investment

A critical juncture is reached for providing water to Michigan's rural communities.

Some Cities Are Turning to Natural Infrastructure to Deal With Extreme Rain Events

Climate change in the Great Lakes region means more intense storms. Already some towns are finding they’re flooding where they never have before. One city in Michigan is finding the solution is nature.

Wetlands Can Help Prevent Property Damage and Save Lives During Floods

Some experts say there’s a way to reduce the effects of floods in the future: more wetland areas.

Michigan Is On Thin Ice. Get Used To It, Climate Experts Say

Long-term, warming temperatures in Michigan could bring far more widespread and lasting challenges by destroying key northern ecosystems.

Treaty Rights Acknowledged For First Time in Oil Pipeline’s Controversial History

Michigan’s Indigenous communities hold long-standing legal rights to protect lands and waters.

Too Few Farmers are Curbing Pollution in Lake Erie. Should They be Forced?

As climate change complicates Lake Erie’s algae problem, scientists say farmers must do far more to reduce phosphorus runoff. But will enough farmers change their ways without a government mandate?