
Infographic: A History of EPA Veto Actions to Protect Water
The EPA has issued 13 vetoes since the passing of the Clean Water…

Peru and Chile Gold Mine Projects Address Water Concerns
The mining companies behind the Conga and Pascua-Lama mines are working to gain support from communities who have been worried about water pollution and adequate supplies.

EPA’s Proposed Veto of Alaska’s Pebble Mine in Line with Past Uses of Clean Water Act
Legal experts say process should provide certainty, not worry,…

The Stream, February 6: Lake Michigan Water Levels at Record Lows
Water levels on Lake Michigan and Lake Huron have reached…

The Stream, August 31: Hurricane Isaac Causes Shipping Headaches on Mississippi
Hurricane Isaac
Hurricane Isaac, which hit land Tuesday evening…

The Stream, July 25: An Atlas of World Water Risk
An 'new gold' for the 21st century, banking on scarcer…

When Gold Loses Its Luster: Four Dead in Peru Mining Protests
Circle of Blue reporter Codi Yeager reports that a heavy price is being paid in the outcry against the Minas Conga gold project and its potential impact on water resources.

Illegal Mining in India Threatens Right to Water
A new report on India’s rampant illegal mining highlights corruption,…

Global Gold Rush: The Price of Mining Pursuits On The Water Supply
Water supplies remain key to the global boom in gold mining, driven by high demand and near-record prices.

The Stream, June 1: The Fight For Australia’s Food
Switching to a low-carbon global economy could create a net gain…

The Stream, May 25: Asian Cities Resist Climate Change
ChiAsia and Climate Change
Ten Asian cities throughout India,…

The Stream, May 11: Top Scientists Say Water + Energy = Linked Issues
Energy and Climate
The world's top scientists are urging governments…