
U.S. Gains Carp Czar, Court Hears Testimony on the Invasive Fish

The newly appointed czar says he's undecided on separating the infested Mississippi and Illinois rivers from Lake Michigan.

Asian Carp Case Goes to Court as Foundation Pledges $500,000 to Protect the Great Lakes

Invasive Asian carp make a surprise appearance on the Missouri River.

A Midwest Pipeline Rupture Raises Questions About Tar Sands Risk

Enbridge is working overtime to clean up the spill, placate the community, and get oil flowing again.

Pipeline Ties Detroit Refinery to “Dirtiest Source of Fossil Fuels”

State department says oil is needed; Congress leader joins activists in raising concerns.

Michigan Supreme Court Case Could Strengthen Protection of State’s Lakes, Streams and Groundwater

An environmental group’s legal victory in the fight to block the dumping of water from a contaminated site into a popular Michigan fly-fishing stream may provide stronger legal protections for lakes and streams across the state.

Great Lakes States Sue Federal Government Over Asian Carp Threat

The recent discovery of a live carp close to Lake Michigan may bolster the states’ case, legal expert says.

Asian Carp Capture Renews Fears of Great Lakes Invasion

A 20-pound fish netted six miles from Lake Michigan has reignited the debate over closing off Chicago-area locks to protect the region’s sportfishing industry.

No Asian Carp Found in Latest Chicago-Area Fish Kill

Results reveal that the invasive species may not be as immediately threatening as certain local politicians and activists had previously argued.

Tracking the Threat and Politics of Asian Carp

Imported from Taiwan and brought to Arkansas as weed control agents three decades ago, Asian carp have become the poster children of potential threats to the Great Lakes. As the fish inch closer to invading Lake Michigan, regional and national politicians debate the financial consequences of coping with the invasive species. With the fate of multi-billion dollar a year industries on the line, the Obama administration has offered some fiscal support to quell the storm.

Supreme Court Rejects Michigan’s Asian Carp Lawsuit

Michigan's Attorney General Mike Cox is “looking at other legal avenues” to pursue the carp battle.

In Detroit: No Money, No Water

Water Department cuts connections to thousands of city’s poor.

Milwaukee-area Community Seeks to Tap Lake Michigan for Drinking Water

While Waukesha's request is the first major test of the Great Lakes Compact, the county supervisor opposes the plan.