
US Government Approves World’s Largest Solar Project

The Blythe solar plant is the sixth on public lands to get federal approval this month.

Reservoir of Acidic Water Rises Beneath South Africa’s Largest City

Polluted groundwater has forced the South African government to scramble for solutions.

Peter Gleick: ‘And During the Wet Years They Lost All Memory of the Dry Years.’

California has just suffered through three years of drought. Certainly not the first such drought and not the last.

India and Pakistan Dispute Water Use for Hydropower, Agriculture

India strives to redirect water, currently used for Pakistani agriculture, on the Kishanganga River for 330 megawatts.

X-Rays Mark the Spot to Drill for Water in Chad

Magnetic imaging lets scientists peer beneath the surface to see exactly where groundwater sources are located.

Q&A: Chris Groves – Exploring Underground Water Systems in Mammoth Cave

Renowned cave explorer Dr. Chris Groves goes deep into Mammoth Cave to see how torrential rainfall above affects underground rivers and ancient passages.

Bid to Protect Michigan’s Groundwater Draws Opposition, Praise

A proposed bill that declares Michigan’s groundwater a “public trust” has set off a storm of controversy, with opponents claiming that the legislation would expose property owners to new state fees.

2009 California Water Plan Published

Report recommends upgrading the state's information base to better user understanding of the water system.

Water, Not al-Qaeda, is Yemen’s Main Domestic Concern, Experts Say

Yemen made headlines last Christmas as the training ground for the man who attempted to blow up an airplane two months ago, but a more immediate concern for the people living in the country is a rapidly dwindling supply of freshwater.

New Plan Approved to Protect Chicagoland Water

A three-year effort to develop a landmark water plan for the greater Chicago region was unanimously approved by political and environmental stakeholders Tuesday.

Bhopal’s Water Still Toxic 25 Years After Chemical Disaster

Chemicals used to make pesticides are still leaching into the groundwater and poisoning the drinking water.

Congress, Michigan Legislature Asked to Fix Leaks in Great Lakes Compact

It’s been more than a year since eight states agreed to prevent large-scale diversions from the Great Lakes, the most abundant source of clean freshwater on the planet. The passage of the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin Water Resources Compact, completed after ten years of campaigning by public interest organizations, legislative leaders, and governors of both parties, was meant to permanently secure the globally significant storehouse of water contained in the Great Lakes.