
Maui Mayor Rejects Clean Water Act Settlement, Aims for Supreme Court Hearing

Internal politics in Maui County muddle a closely watched groundwater case.

Clean Water Act Showdown at Supreme Court Might Be Avoided. For Now.

A lawsuit with broad implications for the country’s waterways and pollution permitting system might be resolved out of court, avoiding, at least for now, a showdown in the nation’s highest court over the scope of the Clean Water Act.

Study: Inadequate Groundwater for Current and Potential Demands in Basin Targeted by Las Vegas

Spring, creeks, and wetlands on the Nevada-Utah border are at risk in “worst case” pumping scenario, U.S. Geological Survey finds.

As Seas Rise, Unchecked Groundwater Use Sinks Coastal Cities

Life on the coast is already hazardous. Groundwater mismanagement amplifies other risks.

Risks to Groundwater in India’s Solar Irrigation Pump Expansion

Cheap solar power, widely available, could worsen India’s already depleted aquifers.

U.S. Groundwater Wells Race Towards Bottom

Well depths are increasing across the United States, study finds.

Michigan leads nation in PFAS. It will lead cleanups, too, U.S. reps say

A report this month found Michigan leads the nation in sites contaminated with toxic chemicals known as PFAS, and the state’s bipartisan delegation in Congress has introduced a flurry of legislation to increase testing.

Capital Flight? Indonesia Leader Suggests Moving Government Out of Sinking Jakarta

Unsustainable groundwater use is one factor that could prompt a political and urban restructuring in Indonesia.

Nitrate Pollution Rising In Private Wells in Iowa

Report highlights lack of water quality data for household wells.

Is U.S. Groundwater Quality Getting Better or Worse? It’s Hard to Say

Too little data so far for main national monitoring network.

Groundwater Plummets in Delhi, City of 29 Million

Experts warn that Delhi could reach “zero groundwater levels” by 2020.

New Estimate Finds Less Fresh Groundwater in U.S. Than Previously Assumed

A new study demonstrates that fresh groundwater, in eastern states as well as those west of the Mississippi, is shallower than previously thought and thus less abundant.