
James Workman: My Local Wants vs. Their Global Needs — UN Water Forum Hints at Tensions of Competing Agendas
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Heavy hitters in the water world met at the United Nations headquarters in New York City on September 16 for a public-awareness marketing campaign. But who is the target audience? And what message do they need to hear?

The Stream, September 12: Botswana Bushmen Revive Crucial Water Source
Botswana Bushmen in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve have re-opened…

Q&A: James G. Workman on the Bushmen’s Fight for Water Rights and 21st Century Hydro-Democracy
Workman says chances of the Botswanian government returning water rights to the Bushmen as 'pretty slim.'

Heart of Dryness: The Rule of Water for Botswana’s Bushmen
In the fourth installment of Heart of Dryness, author James G. Workman explains the historic transformation of water across Botswana's Kalahari. Workman continues to follow Qoroxloo, showing how the Bushmen have adapted to water scarcity and fluctuating hydrology.

Heart of Dryness: Water Infrastructure and Climate Change
In the third installment of Climate Change Coping Strategies excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness we reveal the struggle to develop effective infrastructure in the face of climate change.

Heart of Dryness: Water, Climate, and Energy
The second installment Climate Change Coping Strategies of excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness

Heart of Dryness: Climate Change Coping Strategies
Since the dawn of Homo sapiens in arid Africa, nine tenths of our evolution has unfolded as foragers. Only relatively recently did our species embark on agriculture, and recent events suggest certain limits to that extraordinary experiment. Exponential population growth has combined with unprecedented climate change until half the planet’s land surface can now be classified as drylands—arid landscapes inhabited by a third of humankind.

Video: James G. Workman Discusses the Water and Climate Issues that Haunt Botswana’s Bushmen
The video above and corresponding transcript below are a Q&A author James G. Workman did with the book's publishers, Walker & Company.