
The Stream, April 17: Iran’s $1.5 Billion Water Transfer Project

Iran has launched a $US 1.5 billion project to divert water from…

The Stream, April 6: Radioactive Water Leaks Again At Fukushima

Asia Twelve tons of radioactive water leaked from a pipeline…

The Stream, April 5: What Is Causing the Water Crisis in Ghana and Nigeria?

Policy & Accountability Pollution, political unrest and corruption…

The Stream, April 2: Fracking in Texas, Pennsylvania and Wyoming

New findings that indicate elevated levels of methane in water…

The Stream, March 29: Shale Gas Prospects in China and California

Water Shortage Years of uncontrolled digging of wells in Yemen…

Fossil Fuel Boom Shakes Ohio, Spurring Torrent of Investment and Worry Over Water

Ohio’s shale oil and gas fortunes point up. By Keith…

The Stream, March 9: Great Lakes Lose Ice

Ice coverage on the Great Lakes decreased 71 percent between…

The Stream, March 5: Severe Drought Grips Portugal

Water Shortages A severe drought in Portugal is ravaging pastures…

The Stream, February 27: The U.S. Shale Oil Boom

Energy The shale oil boom in the United States is putting a…

The Stream, February 23: New Report Adds Fuel to Fracking Debate

Energy A new study by the University of Texas Energy Institute…

The Stream, February 17: U.S. House Moves Keystone XL Forward

Energy A bill meant to speed up approval of the proposed Keystone…

The Stream, February 15: The World’s Water Footprint

The United States is the world's largest exporter, and one of…