
President Obama’s 2013 Budget a Mixed Bag for Water, a Boon for Clean Energy
The president throws more clean-energy money at the Energy Department, while cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency's budget come at the expense of water and sewer infrastructure.

The Stream, February 9: Is Shale Gas a ‘Bridge Fuel’?
A new study into the carbon footprint of shale gas operations…

The Stream, February 6: U.S. to Require Disclosure of Fracking Chemicals
The U.S. government will require natural gas companies to disclose…

The Stream, January 18: Commercial Agriculture Displaces Ethiopians
The Ethiopian government is relocating thousands…

The Stream, January 16: Asian Carp
Lake Erie and some of its biggest tributary rivers have just…

The Stream, January 5: Qatar’s Food Security
Unlike the other oil-rich, water-poor Gulf states, by 2024 Qatar…

The Stream, January 3: Quake Concerns Suspend Well Operations in Ohio
Ohio has suspended operations at five deep wells used to dispose…

The Stream, December 14: Melting Arctic Releases Greenhouse Gas
Thawing permafrost is releasing large plumes of methane gas into…

The Stream, December 12: Energy Projects Search for Water
An Australian company found a water supply for one of the largest…

The Stream, December 6: Canada to Pull Out of Kyoto Protocol
Canada won't renew its commitments to the Kyoto Protocol after…

The Stream, December 5: Afghanistan-Pakistan Water Relations
Afghanistan's plans to build 12 dams on the Kabul River, and…

The Stream, December 1: Australia’s Coal-seam Gas Development
Australia's fast-growing coal-seam gas industry is a "relatively…