
The Stream, August 26: New Jersey Issues Ban on Fracking
New Jersey has issued a one-year moratorium on hydraulic fracturing,…

From Coal Seam to Fracking, Unconventional Gas Industry Faces Opposition in Australia and South Africa
As an energy boom, propelled by natural gas, continues to gather steam, mining and drilling companies square off with landowners around the globe over who has the right to resources that are located deep below ground.

The Stream, August 22: World Water Week 2011
Deutsche Welle highlights some of the pressing topics on the…

The Stream, August 11: Australia’s Climate Change Debate
Climate-change wrangling in Australia has descended into death…

The Stream, August 3: Of Food and Conflict
The Shabab Islamist insurgent group in Somalia is blocking starving…

Weather Extremes: Floods, Droughts, Tornadoes, and Extreme Heat Plague Much of U.S.
Extreme weather events in 2011 have been numerous and diverse, prompting some analysts to link the natural disasters to climate change. Most recently, many states are under exceptional-drought and extreme-heat advisories.

The Stream, July 19: Heat Wave in Central U.S.
The heatwave in the central United States intensified Monday,…

The Stream, July 15: Central Asia’s Climate-Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Peabody Energy Corp. will pursue a giant coal-mine project in…

The Stream, July 12: The Melting Arctic
TransCanada Corp, the company that hopes to build the Keystone…

The Stream, July 8: Global Warming Trends
Global warming and the melting of the polar caps is worse than…

The Stream, July 4: France Bans Fracking
France became the first country to outlaw hydraulic fracking,…

Dried Up: Texas Industry and Residents Square Off Over Water as Drought Continues
With nearly 65 percent of Texas experiencing exceptional drought, water is becoming increasingly precious—and scarce—in a state that has to divide the resource between the growing appetites of farmers, city residents, and energy corporations.