
Fish to Celebrate Centennial Removal of Dilapidated Dam
After one hundred years of frustrated swimming, finned species…

New Energy, Old Dams: Maine to Restore Penobscot River Ecosystem
OLD TOWN, Maine - The Atlantic Salmon, a species listed as endangered…

Thirsty Atlanta to Battle Southeast States over Lake Lanier Water Supply
For nearly twenty years Florida and Alabama have turned a critical…

Salmon over Slalom: Dam Removal Threatens Local Economy
RED BLUFF, California - Stakeholders in dam profits watch with…

Dam Projects Historically Controversial in California
CALIFORNIA - On the West Coast of the United States, convincing…

Dam Plan for Grand Coulee
SPOKANE, Washington - Washington's Department of Ecology has…

Old-fashioned Water Fight Brews in Colorado
FORT COLLINS, COLO. -- When it starts at 10,000 feet and slices…

Old-fashioned Water Fight Brews in Colorado
FORT COLLINS, COLO. -- When it starts at 10,000 feet and slices…

Water Relief for Columbia Basin
SEATTLE -- Legislation to provide the largest new influx of water…

Dam Experiment Gives Life to River
SALT LAKE CITY -- For a few days Grand Canyon National Park's…

A “Grand” Flush for Colorado River
PAGE, AZ -- Four arcs of water unleashed from a dam coursed through…

Talks Dry-up Over Lake Lanier
GAINESVILLE, FL -- The weekend announcement that the talks between…