
Q&A: Sarina Prabasi on the Sustainable Development Goal for Sanitation
Sarina Prabasi is the CEO of WaterAid America, part of the international organization WaterAid working to improve access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene. She talks with Circle of Blue about the Sustainable Development subgoal to achieve universal and equitable sanitation access.

The Stream, July 27: Is India Facing Drought?
A new study found that only 30 percent of Arctic sea ice loss…

The Stream, September 14: Global Climate Spending Grows
Global climate-protection spending totaled a record $567 billion…

Photo Slideshow and Q&A: Om Prakash Singh Documents the Perception and Harsh Realities of Water and Sanitation in Delhi, India
Delhi reportedly has a high percentage of coverage for sanitation and water supply. But one photographer has 74,000 images spanning the last 10 years that challenge the perception of progress

Infographic: WASH and Urbanization — Providing Sanitation and Water Services by Country
Entry in the 2011 Urban Water Design Challenge, sponsored by and Circle of Blue.

Peter Gleick: The Human Right to Water, at Last
I've often daydreamed about what an alien civilization would think about Earth if it were ever to come visit.
Egyptian NGO Wins UN Prize for Water and Sanitation Projects
The United Nation's World Habitat Award honors community-based model for clean drinking water and sanitation.

World Water Week 2010 Tackles Quality Issues
Canadian teen duo wins the prestigious Stockholm Junior Water Prize for their project on biodegredation.

Flooding Causes Cholera Outbreak Spread in Cameroon
Cameroon’s worst cholera outbreak since 2004 has killed at least 100 people and could spread to neighboring countries.