Report: Why Asian Carp eDNA Still Matters in the Fight for the Great Lakes
Researchers see great promise in eDNA testing to detect invasive and rare species at low abundance — including invasive Asian carp — but refining the tool is a long process.
Study Outlines Plans to Stop Asian Carp at Chicago
Three proposals for separating the Great Lakes from the Mississippi…
The Stream, January 16: Asian Carp
Lake Erie and some of its biggest tributary rivers have just…
Illinois Company Receives Grant to Export Asian Carp to China
Asian carp are heading home, 40,000 pounds at a time.
Legal Battle Over Asian Carp in the Great Lakes Heats Up
The White House responds to calls for a Great Lakes summit to protect the lakes and their $7 billion sportfishing industry from the invasive species.
Supreme Court Declines To Wade Into Asian Carp Fight, Worrying Great Lakes Governors
DNA tests indicate the invasive species may already have entered Lake Michigan.