
Michel Jarraud: Water Can Be Fought Over or Shared, But Cooperation Brings More Benefits for All

For World Water Day 2013, Skoll World Forum and Circle of Blue asked four of the world’s leading water experts to weigh in. Here is what Michel Jarraud, chair of UN-Water and Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization, had to say about the potential for cooperation around water.

Ned Breslin: An Inside Look at Water for People’s ‘Everyone Forever’ Initiative

For World Water Day 2013, Skoll World Forum and Circle of Blue asked four of the world’s leading water experts to weigh in. Here is what Ned Breslin, CEO of Water For People, had to say about what WASH nonprofits can do to reach full coverage.

Sylvia Lee: Water as a Catalyst for Peace

For World Water Day 2013, Skoll World Forum and Circle of Blue asked four of the world’s leading water experts to weigh in. Here is what Sylvia Lee, leader of the water program at Skoll Global Threats Fund, had to say about the potential for cooperation around water.

Peter Gleick: Water Wars? Here in the United States?

OK, put away your guns. We’re not talking shooting wars, at least not yet, at least not in the U.S. We’re talking politicians shooting off their mouths, political wars, and court battles. But water is serious business.

Director of National Intelligence: Water Still a U.S. National Security Concern

The U.S. intelligence community reiterates that the basic necessities…

Runoff Forecast for Colorado River Shrinks in March

Heading into the last weeks of winter, the Colorado River Basin…

Peter Gleick: An Inevitable Headline in 2014 — ‘Planet’s CO2 Level Reaches 400 ppm for First Time in Human Existence’

Sometime, about one year from now, the front pages of whatever decent newspapers are left will carry a headline like the one above, announcing that for the first time in human existence (or in nearly a million years, or 3 million years, or 15 million years), the global atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide — the principal gas causing climate change — will have passed 400 parts per million.

Peter Gleick: 200 Years of Dr. John Snow — A Significant Figure in the World of Water

This week is the 200th anniversary of the birth of the man who would help settle, once and for all, the question of the cause of cholera.

Study: U.S. Water Utility Revenue Growth Slows Down in Recent Years

Data from a major study of the financial health of U.S. water…

Peter Gleick: (Mis)Understanding Sea-Level Rise (SLR) and Climate Impacts

One of the most important and threatening risks of climate change is sea-level rise (SLR).

UNICEF Report Has Five Messages for India’s Water Managers

Better water management is necessary for environmental and public…

Peter Gleick: Climate Change, Snow and Ice, and Water Resources

One of the reasons that climate change is such a big issue is because the global climate is an integral part of the Earth’s entire ecosystem, tied to so many of the big and little things that society cares about.