
Peter Gleick: Smart Water, New Jobs

Invest in the future. And especially invest in sustainable, effective job creation in the water sector. The result will be millions of new jobs — a significant result.

Ned Breslin: Bolivia, Abandoned No More

'Cobertura Total Para Siempre,' which translates to 'Total Coverage Forever,' is the municipality of Arani’s way of committing to the EVERYONE FOREVER program.

Peter Gleick: Accuracy, Precision, and Significance — The Misery of Cholera

We’re bombarded with numbers every day. But seeing a number and understanding it are two different things.

NASA Set To Launch Water-Monitoring Satellite

The eighth Landsat satellite launches on Monday. It will measure…

How Are We Doing?

Circle of Blue's newsdesk editor Aubrey Ann Parker wants to hear from you, the audience.

Texas Legislature Discusses Drought, Water Planning, Reservoirs

Consecutive hot, dry years have Texas lawmakers pondering billions…

Petition to Finish the Road Map

Launched on Friday, there are 26 days left to collect nearly 100,000 signatures to compel the DOE to complete its report on how energy production affects water quality and availability in the United States
rockefeller foundation innovation award circle of blue nominate

Rockefeller Foundation Seeking 2013 ‘Innovation Award’ Nominations

The Rockefeller Foundation's 2013 nomination portal highlights Circle of Blue, winner of the Centennial Innovation Award last year for our innovative journalism model.
A water transport construction worker rests atop a bulk water container near Tilda, northwest of Raipur in Chhattisgarh, India.

On Water and Energy, India Is Different

It’s been a couple of weeks since our Circle of Blue team completed its 27-day research trip to India.

U.S. Climate Envoy Lays Out New Principles for Climate Negotiations

Ambition, differentiation, and flexibility will define the U.S.…

2012 Was Hot, Dry and Energy-Shifty in the U.S.

The data confirm it. Last year broke records for temperature…