
India and Pakistan Water Tensions Escalate to The Hague

Hydropower projects spark discord in the Indus River Basin, but water management challenges go deeper.

Pakistan and India in Dam Building Race — Interpreting the Indus Waters Treaty

A new era of dam building brings uncertainty to the 50-year-old water truce between India and Pakistan.

Pakistan Negotiates Domestic, International Water Disputes

Indus River System Authority discuss the Sindh province's accusation that Punjab is stealing water.

Pakistan takes India Water Row to World Bank

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan -- Pakistan reports that India diverted…

Op-ed — Chenab waters and Pakistan’s fear

Circle of Blue recently reported on the Baglihar Dam controversy…

Tensions between Islamabad and New Delhi rise over water

Pakistani President Zardari reiterated the importance of the Indus Waters Treaty.

U.S. needs integrated international water strategy to avert conflict, foster cooperation, says new CSIS report

Global conflicts over water threaten geopolitical stability;…