
New EPA Guidance for Combined Sewers Draws Mixed Reviews
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Seattle will be the first city to test the new integrated framework.

The Stream, August 10: Rain Collapses Section of China’s Great Wall
Rains and Floods Continue in Asia
Days of heavy rain caused…

The Stream, August 3: Floods Wipe Out North Korea’s Drinking Water
More than 3 million Syrians will require food aid over the next…

The Stream, July 26: Glaciers, Lakes, and Criticisms Heating Up
Beijing Flooding
Beijing mayor Guo Jinlong resigned Wednesday,…

The Stream, June 15: New Delhi Faces Water Crisis
India's capital city of New Delhi is facing an increasingly severe…

Syrian Refugees Flood Into Jordan’s Dry Northern Region
In states surrounding Syria — especially resource-poor Jordan — the influx of more than 120,000 Syrian refugees is putting a squeeze on the water supply.

The Price of Water 2012: 18 Percent Rise Since 2010, 7 Percent Over Last Year in 30 Major U.S. Cities
Rates have increased in many cities, but local conditions dictate by how much and how the increase is distributed. Chicago prices are up nearly 25 percent, while Los Angeles is down by 9 percent.

The Stream, April 4: Water and Politics in South America
Under a new law, mining and oil companies in Peru will be required…

Chicago’s $7 Billion Plan to Fix Crumbling Infrastructure
From expanding its largest airport to replacing century-old water…

The Stream, March 2: Where Did The Brahmaputra River’s Water Go?
As water levels dropped three meters (10 feet) in India's Brahmaputra…

The Stream, February 3: Fixing U.S. Water Infrastructure
It will take $US 1 trillion over the next 25 years to fix the…

The Stream, January 13: Water Pollution Looms In Lake Titicaca
Growing urban populations, poor infrastructure and unenforced…