
Australia Plans to Eliminate Invasive Carp From Murray-Darling River Basin
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Using a virus as a weapon, authorities hope to open way for native fish.

Asian Carp Would Significantly Alter – But Not Destroy – Lake Erie Fisheries
A new study offers a clear-eyed warning about the ramifications…

Infographic: Lake Superior Pressured by Climate Change and Invasive Species
Warming water temperatures and destructive, non-native species threaten the world's largest lake.

A Discussion With Lana Pollack, U.S. Chair of the International Joint Commission
Lana Pollack, U.S. Chair of the IJC, talks with Circle of Blue last month in Chicago about some of the most pressing issues in the Great Lakes region.

Asian Carp Swarm South of Chicago As Consensus on Permanent Solution Eludes Nation
New legislative proposal focuses on less expensive, short-term…

Hawaii Transforms Watershed Protection With Technology
UAVs, satellites, and cameras used on the Mars rovers help managers…

Study: Army Corps of Engineers Release Ways to Keep Asian Carp Out of Great Lakes
Plans to stop the invasive fish are costly, and most take more than 10 years to complete.

Report: Fish Analysis Reveals Asian Carp Have Reproduced in Great Lakes Watershed
A new study shows grass carp reproduced at least once in the Sandusky River, but it cannot confirm an established population.
Great Lakes Water Quality: Technology and Regulations Work to Eliminate Major Shipping Pathway for Invasive Species
Political action and technological advances are cutting down…
In Hawaii, ‘The Rain Follows The Forest’
With her recent move from Alabama to Hawaii, Circle of Blue reporter Codi Yeager-Kozacek finds that, in the middle of an ocean, freshwater challenges abound.
The Stream, March 29: Drought Continues in Northeast Brazil
While Brazil’s major crop growing areas are producing a record…
Report: Why Asian Carp eDNA Still Matters in the Fight for the Great Lakes
Researchers see great promise in eDNA testing to detect invasive and rare species at low abundance — including invasive Asian carp — but refining the tool is a long process.