
Infographic: Lake Baikal Pollution Leads to Algae Blooms
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Nutrient pollution from outdated sewage-treatment plants degrades water quality in the world's deepest, oldest lake.

Biggest Lakes in the World Under Pressure From Human and Environmental Threats
Across continents and hemispheres, a growing list of human and environmental pressures threaten the world’s largest lakes, inhibiting their ability to supply water, drive economic activity, preserve biodiversity, and sustain communities.

Putin Approves Waste Discharges into Lake Baikal
A decree signed last week by Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin will allow a paper mill on the shore of Lake Baikal to resume dumping sewage and waste water into the lake.

Black Gold Blues: Oil Stains Reveal Resource beneath Russian Lake
Comprising 20 percent of the world's fresh water supply, southern Siberia's Lake Baikal could tell us how oil forms.

Climate change: Advocates warm up to Lake Baikal
BOLSHIYE KOTY, Russia - Containing one-fifth of the world's freshwater,…

Russian Government Orders Cleanup
MOSCOW -- Russia's government on Thursday warned a giant Soviet-era…