The Stream, January 16: Asian Carp
Lake Erie and some of its biggest tributary rivers have just…
Advance of the Invader: Asian Carp Continue March to Northern Waters
Live carp have been found in North Dakota and past the electric barriers in Chicago. As the carp push forward, Michigan and other Great Lakes states are once again asking the U.S. Supreme Court to speed up action to stop the advance of the invader.
Report & Conference: Assessing Great Lakes Health and Future — Al Gore Delivers Keynote
In Detroit last week, three organizations involved in Great Lakes management held concurrent and joint meetings to discuss the future of one of the world’s largest sources of fresh surface water. Former Vice President Al Gore delivered the keynote address, linking climate change to water issues.
The Stream, October 7: Final Hearing On Keystone XL Pipeline
Environmentalist Bill McKibben talks to the Guardian about tar…
The Stream, September 8: Peak Water in Saudi Arabia
Peak water looms more ominously than peak oil for Saudi Arabia,…
Business vs. Environment: Ohio Governor Vetoes Lake Erie Water Withdrawal Bill
The highly controversial bill set the highest thresholds for water withdrawal permits in the Great Lakes region, sparking debate between environmentalists and businesses over the use of Lake Erie water.
Great Lakes Wind Turbines Could Someday Power the Midwest
Hundreds of thousands of wind turbines could someday stretch…